1031 exchange class in Austin, TX, 4-hour CE credits (July 24, 2023)

posted in: Classes and Events

Dear agents, investors & developers,

Test yourself by answering these real estate questions, if you cannot answer 80% questions posted, join our class to learn more!

Class I (4-hour CE credits): Title “Putting Together a 1031 Exchange” / Course# 43555

1: What is the difference between IRS tax code section 121 vs 1031?
2: How did the new tax law affect 1031 exchanges? Who qualifies for a 1031 exchange?
3: What types of investment property qualify for an exchange?
4: Why do investors need to do an exchange? What are the tax implications?
5: Can an investor still do an exchange after escrow has closed?
6: What is the min holding period to be considered an investment property per IRS guidelines?
7: What is net exchange value? What is the IRS formula to determine so?
8: Can I be sued by the seller (client) if I do not offer this option prior to the close of escrow?
9: What is a Cash boot vs Mortgage boot in an exchange? Why should I care?
10: What is the 45-day vs the 180-day rule? When do they start?
11: How many ways to identify your replacement property?
12: What type of exchanges are available to investors?
13: Can you flip a remodeled home to do a 1031 exchange?
14: Is related party transaction possible in 1031 exchange?
15: What is exchanging into like-kind per IRS rule?
16: Can you break up a partnership in a 1031 exchange?
17: Can you refi inside a 1031 exchange from the relinquish vs the replacement property… much more!

Mr. Wai-Yew Lam – TREC Instructor / License #3906
Real Estate School of Texas – Provider #646
RSVP TO: wlam@adelphiretirement.com (c) 925.212.1727

Class location:
9606 N. Mopac Expwy, Ste 900
Austin, TX 78759
Date & Time: Julu 24, 2023 – Monday
11am to 3.30pm / Lunch: 12 to 12.30pm
Food: Light food with drinks
Cost: Complimentary